The group was joined by the Practical Conservation Volunteers and t...
Four new welcoming signs have been designed with the assistance of Broxtowe Borough Council’s graphics department. These will be erected at the entrances on Maidstone Drive, Brookside Avenue, Heather Rise and the Sandgate car park (near the steps leading up to the play area). They will hopeful...
Following the work undertaken earlier in the year to remove the topsoil, the final stage was carried out on Friday 2nd May when a Council contractor harrowed the whole area and also sowed the grass seed.
The seed is a mixture of native grasses. The frequent heavy showers in the followin...
After the clearance of numerous trees and shrubs towards the end of last year, the next stage in the restoration plan was to bring another machine on to the site in order to strip off the existing layer of topsoil. This will lower the nutrient level of the area and thus make it more favourable...
A section of very old hawthorn hedge on one side of the main path through the Sandy Lane Open Space LNR (not far beyond the play area) has been laid, and the area immediately behind this hedge has been cleared of bracken and several trees pruned.
This work began about six weeks ago and when it s...
Following a very poor start to the season caused by the exceptionally long and cold winter, the numbers of several species of butterflies have really bounced back, helped by the the prolonged hot spell.
Recorded numbers of ringlets. gatekeepers, peacocks, small whites and small skippers...